Monday, July 21, 2008

Back to the Hospital

Well, he is back in the hospital. My dad finished his 3rd round of chemo on Friday and was doing well for the most part. Unfortunately the bad part really starts to kick in towards the end and the days after. He has been dizzy and weak the last couple of days and the doctor told him to head back to the hospital. While it is not the most enjoyable place, it should help him get better. He is going to need additional units of blood and will have an IV to keep him hydrated. We are not sure how long he will be in this time.

Hopefully he will start to feel better and be able to rest at home.



Jana said...

My heart is hurting right now... we had no idea all this was going on. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help. We'll be gathering garage sale items. We love your wonderful, admirable family so much!

Shane said...


We'll do what ever we can to help you though this! You one heck of a great guy and I miss your positive attitude at work. I'll get the word out about the garage sale at SDI. Your in my prayers. Stay strong.
