Sunday, August 24, 2008

Getting stronger

Mike got out of the hospital Friday after receiving 2 blood transfusions to increase his blood level. The doctors were also watching his white blood cell count and gave him some shots to make sure that was at the appropriate level.

He is home now and starting to get better. He is able to eat better than he has and hopefully will be able to put on some of the weight he has lost. He is done with the scheduled chemo treatments and now just has to wait a couple weeks before the doctor will do an MRI and see how well the treatments worked. If the cancer tumors are not gone, they will need to look at some of the options such as additional chemo or possibly cutting them out. We will just have to wait and see what the status is once he does the tests.

For now, he just needs to get stronger and relax. Usually this week would be when he goes back to the full week cycle, so it should be a welcomed rest. Hopefully he can get his strength back and feel much better than he has.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to the Hospital

On Sunday Mike had to return to the hospital. He was very weak and not able to to function. When he got to the hospital he found out that his blood count was low and that he did not have any white blood cells. So, he was given blood and they are being very careful to make sure he does not get any infections since his body does not have any way to fight off diseases right now. He is feeling a little better this morning, but even after 2 units of blood, he is much lower than normal. We will have to wait and see if he will get any more blood. He is going to remain in the hospital until he gets a little better and his white blood count goes up. They are also going to do several tests to see what else they need to do.

Tomorrow he is scheduled to receive his last dose of the chemo treatment. At this point that may get delayed if he is not able to handle the treatment. We should know more as he gets more test results. Hopefully he can get strong enough to complete the last treatment and continue to fight off the cancer.

Hopefully things will turn around and the road to recovery is coming soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alomost Done

Although it was a little delayed, yesterday was the last day of the full week chemo treatments. It was scheduled to be completed last Friday, but Mike was not feeling well and they decided to wait until Monday to do the last day of the week long cycle. All that is left is for his Tuesday cycles, one today and one next Tuesday. Mike is really looking forward to being able to recover and get his strength back. Right now he is scheduled to have at least 3 weeks off before doing anything else.

The doctors will do tests and MRI's some time after his last cycle next week. It is a little unclear whether they will do the tests immediately after, or if they will give it a week or two before the tests. Either way we will be praying that the cancer is gone and this experience is over. If there is still cancer present, other options will have to be looked at to get rid of the cancer.

For now, Mike is trying to gain some weight and watching the Olympics. Thanks for everyone's support and prayers.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Final Round

Mike started his last round of chemo yesterday. There was some concern with his platelet level last week. He had blood work done early yesterday and it showed that he was ok to continue with the scheduled treatment. He had been doing really well the last few days and now it is back to the grind. Yesterday was good and the doctors are trying to be proactive to prevent a trip to the hospital again. Hopefully they will be able to keep him feeling better and he can complete the last 3 weeks without any issues.

An MRI last week showed that the cancer tumors are shrinking and he is making progress. Hopefully he will be able to get rid of the cancer completely in the last 3 weeks. If not, they will have to look at other options such as removing the tumors.

Thanks for everyone's support and prayers. Please feel free to call, post or send an email to Mike. As many of you know he likes to stay busy and he gets bored very easy just sitting around. I am sure he would like to hear how you are doing.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Garage Sale report

The garage sale turned out to be a huge success. We were out there around 4 am getting ready and setting everything up. It was unbelievable how much stuff was donated. We want to thank everyone that donated and helped out with the sale, as well as many who stopped by and supported the effort. The church members were there at 4 am also, setting up a gas stove and preparing some great breakfast. They were able to sell a ton of delicious food. Neighbors from all around came out to get breakfast and say hi. We are so grateful for everyone's generosity and kindness especially from people Mike has never met. It just turned out as good as we could have hoped for.

Again thank you for your love and support!
