Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alomost Done

Although it was a little delayed, yesterday was the last day of the full week chemo treatments. It was scheduled to be completed last Friday, but Mike was not feeling well and they decided to wait until Monday to do the last day of the week long cycle. All that is left is for his Tuesday cycles, one today and one next Tuesday. Mike is really looking forward to being able to recover and get his strength back. Right now he is scheduled to have at least 3 weeks off before doing anything else.

The doctors will do tests and MRI's some time after his last cycle next week. It is a little unclear whether they will do the tests immediately after, or if they will give it a week or two before the tests. Either way we will be praying that the cancer is gone and this experience is over. If there is still cancer present, other options will have to be looked at to get rid of the cancer.

For now, Mike is trying to gain some weight and watching the Olympics. Thanks for everyone's support and prayers.


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